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Express Entry Tracker

Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of Canadian immigration can be overwhelming, especially with the frequent updates. To make this journey smoother for you, we present the Express Entry Tracker, your go-to source for staying updated on each Express Entry draw.

Canada: Immigration Levels Plan 2025-2027

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Understanding Express Entry Draws

The Canadian government conducts Express Entry draws approximately every two weeks. This integral part of the Canadian immigration system manages applications from skilled workers through an online platform known as Express Entry. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

Express Entry Immigration Draws

Draw ITA Date Invitation CRS
335 (CEC) 05-02-25 4000 521
334 (PNP) 04-02-25 445 802
333 (CEC) 23-01-25 4000 542
332 (CEC) 08-01-25 1350 527
331 (PNP) 07-01-25 471 793
330 (PNP) 16-12-24 1085 727
329 (French Language) 03-12-24 800 446
328 (PNP) 02-12-24 676 705
327 (Healthcare) 20-11-24 3000 463
326 (CEC) 19-11-24 400 539
325 (PNP) 18-11-24 174 816
324 (French) 15-11-24 800 478
323 (CEC) 13-11-24 400 547
322 (PNP) 12-11-24 733 812
321 (Trade) 23-10-24 1800 433
320 (CEC) 22-10-24 400 539
319 (PNP) 21-10-24 648 791
318 (French Language) 10-10-24 1000 444
317 (CEC) 09-10-24 500 539
316 (PNP) 07-10-24 1613 743
315 (CEC) 19-09-24 4000 509
314 (French) 13-09-24 1000 446
313 (PNP) 09-09-24 911 732
312 (CEC) 27-08-24 3,300 507
311 (PNP) 26-08-24 1,121 694
310 (French) 15-08-24 2000 394
309 (CEC) 14-08-24 3200 509
308 (PNP) 13-08-24 763 690
307 (CEC) 31-07-24 5000 510
306 (PNP) 30-07-24 964 686
305 (French) 18-07-24 1800 400
304 (CEC) 17-07-24 6,300 515
303 (PNP) 16-07-24 1391 670
302 (French Language) 08-07-24 3200 420
301 (Healthcare Occupation) 05-07-24 3750 445
300 (Trade Occupation) 04-07-24 1800 436
299 (PNP) 02-07-24 920 739
298 (PNP) 19-06-24 1499 663
297 (CEC) 31-05-24 3000 522
296 (PNP) 30-05-24 2985 676
295 (French Lang.) 24-04-24 1400 410
294 (All Program) 23-04-24 2,095 529
293(STEM) 11-04-24 4500 491
291(French Lang.) 26-03-24 1500 388
290 (All Program) 25-03-24 1980 524
289(Transportation) 13-03-24 975 430
288 (All Program) 12-03-24 2850 525
287(French Lang.) 29-02-24 2500 336
286(All Program) 28-02-24 1470 537
285(Agriculture) 16-02-24 150 437
284 (Heathcare) 14-02-24 3500 422
283 (All Program) 13-02-24 1490 535
282 (French Lang.) 01-02-24 7000 365
281 (All Program) 31-01-24 730 541
280 (All Program) 23-01-24 1040 543
279 (All Program) 10-01-24 1510 546
278 (Agriculture) 21-12-23 400 386
277 (Transport) 20-12-23 670 435
276 (Trades) 19-12-23 1000 542
275 (All-Program) 18-12-23 1325 425
274 (STEM) 08-12-23 5,900 481
273 (French Lang.) 07-12-23 1,000 470
272 (All Program) 06-12-23 4,750 561
271 (Healthcare) 26-10-23 3,600 431
270 (French Language) 25-10-23 300 486
269 (PNP Only) 24-10-23 1,548 776
268 (All Program) 10-10-23 3,725 500
267 (Agriculture) 28-09-23 600 354
266 (French Lang.) 27-09-23 500 472
265 (All Program) 26-09-23 3,000 504
264 (Transport Occupations) 20-09-23 1,000 435
263 (All Program) 19-09-23 3,200 531
262 (All Program) 15-08-23 4,300 498
261 (Trades Occupations) 03-08-23 1,500 388
260 (French Language) 02-08-23 800 435
259 (All Program) 01-08-23 2000 517
258 (French Language) 12-07-23 3800 375
257 (All Program) 11-07-23 800 505
256 (French Language) 07-07-23 2,300 439
255(Healthcare) 06-07-23 1,500 463
254(STEM) 05-07-23 500 486
253 (All Program) 04-07-23 700 511
252 (Healthcare) 28-06-23 500 476
251 (All-Program) 27-06-23 4,300 486
250 (All-Program) 08-06-23 4,800 486
249(All Program) 24-05-23 4800 488
248 (PNP- Specific) 10-05-23 589 691
247 (All Programs) 26-04-23 3500 483
246 (All Programs) 12-04-23 3500 486
245 (All Programs) 29-03-23 7000 481
244 (All Programs) 23-03-23 7000 484
243 (All Programs) 15-03-23 7000 490
242 (PNP) 01-03-23 667 748
241 (PNP) 15-02-23 699 791
240 (FSW Draw) 02-02-23 3300 489
239 (PNP) 01-02-23 893 733
238 (All Programs) 18-01-23 5500 490
237 (All Programs) 11-01-23 5500 507
236 (All Programs) 23-11-22 4750 491
235 (All Programs) 09-11-22 4750 494
234 (All Programs) 26-10-22 4750 496
233 (All Programs) 12-10-22 4250 500
232 (All Programs) 28-09-2022 3750 504
231 (All Programs) 14-09-2022 3250 510
232 (All Programs) 28-09-2022 3750 504
231 (All Programs) 14-09-2022 3250 510
230 (All Programs) 31-08-2022 2750 516
229(All Programs) 17-08-22 2250 525
228(All Programs) 03-08-22 2000 533
227 (All Programs) 20-07-22 1750 542
226 (All Programs) 06-07-22 1500 557
225 (PNP) 22-06-22 636 752
224 (PNP) 08-06-22 932 796
223 (PNP) 25-05-22 741 589
222 (PNP) 11-05-22 545 753
221 (PNP) 27-04-22 829 772
220 (PNP) 13-04-22 787 782
219 (PNP) 30-03-22 919 785
218 (PNP) 16-03-22 924 754
217 (PNP) 02-03-22 1,047 761
216 (PNP) 16-02-22 1,082 710
215 (PNP) 02-02-22 1,070 674
214 (PNP) 19-01-22 1,036 745
213 (PNP) 05-01-22 392 808
212 (PNP) 22-12-21 746 720
211 (PNP) 10-12-21 1,032 698
210 (PNP) 24-11-21 613 737
209 (PNP) 10-11-21 775 685
208 (PNP) 27-10-21 888 744
207 (PNP) 13-10-21 681 720
206 (PNP) 29-09-21 761 742
205 (PNP) 15-09-21 521 732
204 (CEC) 14-09-21 2,000 462
203 (PNP) 01-09-21 635 764
202 (CEC) 19-08-21 3,000 403
201 (PNP) 18-08-21 463 751
200 (CEC) 05-08-21 3,000 404
199 (PNP) 04-08-21 512 760
198 (CEC) 22-07-21 4,500 357
197 (PNP) 21-07-21 462 734
196 (CEC) 08-07-21 4,500 369
195 (PNP) 07-07-21 627 760
194 (CEC) 24-06-21 6,000 357
193 (PNP) 23-06-21 1,002 742
192 (CEC) 10-06-21 6,000 368
191 (PNP) 09-06-21 940 711
190 (CEC) 31-05-21 5,956 380
189 (PNP) 25-05-21 500 713
188 (CEC) 20-05-21 1,842 397
187 (CEC) 13-05-21 4,147 401
186 (PNP) 12-05-21 557 752
185 (CEC) 29-04-21 6,000 400
184 (PNP) 28-04-21 381 717
183 (CEC) 16-04-21 6,000 417
182 (PNP) 14-04-21 266 753
181 (CEC) 01-04-21 5,000 432
180 (PNP) 31-03-21 284 778
179 (CEC) 18-03-21 5,000 449
178 (PNP) 17-03-21 182 682
177 (PNP) 08-03-21 671 739
176 (CEC) 13-02-21 27,332 75
175 (PNP) 10-02-21 654 720
174 (CEC) 21-01-21 4,626 454
173 (PNP) 20-01-21 374 741
172 (CEC) 07-01-21 4,750 461
171 (PNP) 06-01-21 250 813
170 23-12-20 5,000 468
169 09-12-20 5,000 469
168 25-11-20 5,000 469
167 18-11-20 5,000 472
166 05-11-20 4,500 478
165 14-10-20 4,500 471
164 30-09-20 4,200 471
163 16-09-20 4,200 472
162 02-09-20 4,200 475
161 (CEC) 20-08-20 3,300 454
160 (PNP) 19-08-20 600 771
159 (FST) 06-08-20 250 415
158 05-08-20 3,900 476
157 (CEC) 23-07-20 3,343 445
156 (PNP) 22-07-20 557 687
155 08-07-20 3,900 478
154 (CEC) 25-06-20 3,508 431
153 (PNP) 24-06-20 392 696
152 (CEC) 11-06-20 3,559 437
151 (PNP) 10-06-20 341 743
150 (CEC) 28-05-20 3,515 440
149 (PNP) 27-05-20 385 757
148 (CEC) 15-05-20 3,371 447
147 (PNP) 13-05-20 529 718
146 (CEC) 01-05-20 3,311 452
145 (PNP) 29-04-20 589 692
144 (CEC) 16-04-20 3,782 455
143 (PNP) 15-04-20 118 808
142 (CEC) 09-04-20 3,294 464
141 (PNP) 09-04-20 606 698
140 (CEC) 23-03-20 3,232 467
139 (PNP) 18-03-20 668 720
138 04-03-20 3,900 471
137 19-02-20 4,500 470
136 05-02-20 3,500 472
135 22-01-20 3,400 471
134 08-01-20 3,400 473
133 19-12-19 3,200 469
132 11-12-19 3,200 472
131 27-11-19 3,600 471
130 13-11-19 3,600 472
129 30-10-19 3,900 475
128 (FST) 16-10-19 500 357
127 02-10-19 3,900 464
126 18-09-19 3,600 462
125 04-09-19 3,600 463
124 20-08-19 3,600 457
123 12-08-19 3,600 466
122 24-07-19 3,600 459
121 10-07-19 3,600 460
120 26-06-19 3,350 462
119 12-06-19 3,350 465
118 29-05-19 3,350 470
117 (FST) 15-05-19 500 332
116 01-05-19 3,350 450
115 17-04-19 3,350 451
114 03-04-19 3,350 451
113 20-03-19 3,350 452
112 06-03-19 3,350 454
111 20-02-19 3,350 457
110 30-01-19 3,350 438
109 23-01-19 3,900 443
108 10-01-19 3,900 449
107 19-12-18 3,900 439
106 12-12-18 3,900 445
105 28-11-18 3,900 445
104 14-11-18 3,900 449
103 29-10-18 3,900 442
102 15-10-18 3,900 440
101 03-10-18 3,900 445
100 (FST) 24-09-18 400 284
99 19-09-18 3,500 441
98 05-09-18 3,900 440
97 22-08-18 3,750 440
96 08-08-18 3,750 440
95 25-07-18 3,750 441
94 11-07-18 3,750 442
93 25-06-18 3,750 442
92 13-06-18 3,750 451
91 (PNP) 30-05-18 200 902
091 (FST) 30-05-18 500 288
90 23-05-18 3,500 440
89 09-05-18 3,500 441
88 25-04-18 3,500 441
87 11-04-18 3,500 444
86 26-03-18 3,000 446
85 14-03-18 3,000 456
84 21-02-18 3,000 442
83 07-02-18 3,000 442
82 24-01-18 2,750 444
81 10-01-18 2,750 446
80 20-12-17 2,750 446
79 06-12-17 2,750 452
78 15-11-17 2,750 439
77 08-11-17 2,000 458
76 (FST) 01-11-17 505 241
75 (PNP) 01-11-17 290 673
74 18-11-17 2,757 436
73 04-10-17 2,801 438
72 20-09-17 2,871 433
71 06-09-17 2,772 435
70 23-08-17 3,035 434
69 09-08-17 2,991 433
68 02-08-17 3,264 441
67 12-07-17 3,202 440
66 28-06-17 3,409 449
65 31-05-17 3,877 413
64 (FST) 26-05-17 400 199
63 (PNP) 26-05-17 143 775
62 17-05-17 3,687 415
61 04-05-17 3,796 423
60 19-04-17 3,665 415
59 12-04-17 3,923 423
58 05-04-17 3,753 431
57 24-03-17 3,749 441
56 01-03-17 3,884 434
55 22-02-17 3,611 441
54 08-02-17 3,664 447
53 25-01-17 3,508 453
52 11-01-17 3,334 459
51 04-01-17 2,902 468
50 22-12-16 2,878 475
49 16-12-16 1,936 497
48 (PNP) 30-11-16 559 786
47 16-11-16 2,427 470
46 02-11-16 2,080 472
45 19-10-16 1,804 475
44 12-10-16 1,518 484
43 21-09-16 1,288 483
42 07-09-16 1,000 491
41 24-08-16 750 538
40 10-08-16 754 490
39 27-07-16 755 488
38 13-07-16 747 482
37 29-06-16 773 482
36 15-06-16 752 488
35 01-06-16 762 483
34 18-05-16 763 484
33 06-05-16 799 534
32 20-04-16 1,018 468
31 06-04-16 954 470
30 23-03-16 1,014 470
29 09-03-16 1,013 473
28 24-02-16 1,484 453
27 10-02-16 1,505 459
26 27-01-16 1,468 457
25 13-01-16 1,518 453
24 06-01-16 1,463 461
23 18-12-15 1,503 460
22 04-12-15 1,451 461
21 27-11-15 1,559 472
20 13-11-15 1,506 484
19 23-10-15 1,502 489
18 02-10-15 1,530 450
17 18-09-15 1,545 450
16 08-09-15 1,517 459
15 21-08-15 1,523 456
14 07-08-15 1,402 471
13 17-07-15 1,581 451
12 10-07-15 1,516 463
11 27-06-15 1,575 469
10 12-06-15 1,501 482
9 22-05-15 1,361 755
8 17-04-15 715 453
7 10-04-15 925 469
6 27-03-15 1,637 453
5 20-03-15 1,620 481
4 27-02-15 1,187 735
3 (CEC) 20-02-15 849 808
2 07-02-15 779 818
1 31-01-15 779 886

Seek Assistance from ImmigCanada

For a smooth immigration experience, ImmigCanada, a leading Canadian immigration consultancy led by RCIC Ms. Eivy Joy Quito, offers dedicated assistance. If you’re considering immigration to Canada through Express Entry, PNP, or another skilled worker pathway, reaching out to ImmigCanada is your initial step. Eligible candidates will receive comprehensive support to facilitate their Canadian immigration journey.

Contact us for Assistance

ImmigCanada, with its wealth of experience, has become a trusted name in Canadian immigration. To explore your eligibility and initiate the immigration process, connect with us. A member of the ImmigCanada team will guide you through the process, offering valuable assistance tailored to your immigration goals. Start your journey to Canada with confidence and expertise.