Express Entry Draw #280

Latest Express Entry Draw #280 Extends 1,040 Invitations

Canada’s Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) continues to actively issue invitations in its latest Express Entry draw #280. This recent draw, the second in 2024, saw a total of 1,040 candidates being invited to apply for permanent residence.

Minimum CRS Score Requirement

Candidates who participated in this general draw needed to achieve a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 543 to be eligible for an Invitation to Apply (ITA). The preceding draw on January 10, 2024, invited 1,510 candidates through a general draw encompassing all Express Entry managed programs, requiring a slightly higher minimum CRS score of 546.

December Activity

The recent draws in January follow a busy December in which IRCC conducted seven separate Express Entry draws. Among these, two were all-program draws, while the remaining five were category-based selection draws. The latter targeted Express Entry candidates meeting specific eligibility criteria related to French language proficiency, as well as occupations in trades, transport, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), agriculture, and agri-food.

See also  New Express Entry Draw for Trades Occupations Issues 1,800 ITAs with a CRS Score of 436

Summary of 2023 Express Entry Draws

Throughout the year 2023, IRCC held a total of 42 Express Entry draws. The majority (19) were general draws, and an additional 17 were category-based selection draws. Five draws exclusively considered Express Entry candidates nominated through the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), with one draw specifically for Federal Skilled Worker candidates.

Challenges of Prediction in 2024

Predicting the frequency and types of Express Entry draws in 2024 has become challenging as IRCC has moved away from a predictable pattern. The Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026 outlines the department’s goal to admit up to 110,770 new permanent residents in 2024. Achieving this target necessitates issuing a sufficient number of Invitations to Apply (ITAs) to align with the 2025 admissions target of 117,500. Given the processing timeline of up to six months for an Express Entry application, many invitations are expected to be issued in 2024.

See also  Latest Express Entry CEC Draw Invited 6,300 Candidates

Overview of Express Entry Draws in January 2024

The two draws conducted in January 2024 are summarized as follows:

  • Date: January 23
  • Draw Type: General
  • Number of ITAs: 1,040
  • Minimum CRS: 543
  • Date: January 10
  • Draw Type: General
  • Number of ITAs: 1,510
  • Minimum CRS: 546

Understanding Express Entry

Express Entry, introduced in 2015, is an application management system designed to expedite processing for economic immigration candidates. It covers the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Canadian Experience Class, and the Federal Skilled Trades Program. The Comprehensive Ranking System assesses candidates based on attributes like occupation, education, language proficiency, work experience, and age. Those with higher scores are more likely to receive Invitations to Apply (ITAs) for permanent resident status.

See also  Express Entry Draw #302 Sent 3,200 PR Invitations to French-Speaking Candidates

May 2023 introduced category-based selection rounds for candidates meeting criteria in six specific categories:

  • Healthcare occupations
  • Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professions
  • Trades occupations
  • Transport occupations
  • Agriculture and agri-food occupations

Strong French proficiency

Candidates with these attributes must be part of the Express Entry pool under one of the three managed programs to be considered. Those who receive a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) nomination gain an additional 600 CRS points, significantly enhancing their chances of receiving an ITA.

Upon receiving an ITA, candidates have 60 days to submit their final application for permanent resident status to IRCC. The ongoing dynamics of Express Entry emphasize the department’s commitment to welcoming skilled individuals and meeting immigration targets in the years to come.

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