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Employer Designation

Atlantic Canada invites foreign immigrants from all over the world to become permanent residents in its four provinces, helping to develop a skilled workforce and increase employment rates.

The four of these Atlantic Canada provinces are:

  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Newfoundland and Labrador

Under the employer-driven Atlantic Immigration Program, the Atlantic region invites eligible skilled workers, intermediate-level workers, and international graduates. To suit their different skills and education, the AIP offers:

  • Atlantic High-Skilled Program (AHSP)
  • Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program (AISP)
  • Atlantic International Graduate Program (AIGP)

To invite skilled workers and graduate students to apply for these programs, the designated employers are required to offer a valid job to fulfill the respective criteria.

  • The local employers must have employer designation to hire foreign nationals through AIP.
  • These designated employers must be endorsed by the respective province.
  • As designated employers, these employers help the recruit integrate well with new life in Canada.

To Become a Designated Employer, An Employer Must:

  • Own a business with a good standing
  • Provide information on labour market needs
  • Must commit to working in sync with a service-providing association on a settlement or retention basis.

To Become Endorsed by the Province’s Approval:

  • Employers must display unsuccessful efforts in hiring local workers.
  • The employer must hire a foreign national that meets the requirement.
  • They must request a referral letter for the candidate’s work permit.
  • They must offer a full-time, non-seasonal job offer that fulfills the rules specified under the program
  • They need to provide an individualized settlement plan suiting the need of the hire and their accompanying family members.
  • The employer must understand and conform to the reporting requirement for the program.


To have more information on immigration programs offered by Canada, feel free to get in touch with our Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants(RCIC).