Alberta's AAIP Inventory Update

Alberta’s AAIP Inventory Update: A Comprehensive Overview

On January 30, 2024, Alberta released an update on the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) inventory, marking a crucial step in managing immigration streams. The data highlights valuable insights into the current status and future projections of the program.

Current Inventory Status

As of the latest update, the AAIP inventory includes 4,690 applications under the Alberta Opportunity Stream, 1,420 under the Rural Renewal Stream, and 735 spread across various pathways of the Express Entry stream. The Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) allocated 9,750 nominations to Alberta for 2023, but the allocation for 2024 is yet to be disclosed.

Nomination Certificate Limits

The AAIP operates within limits set by the IRCC for the issuance of nomination certificates. In 2023, the program reached its allocated limit, and projections indicate potential increases in 2024 and 2025, possibly exceeding 10,000 nominations annually. Details on the 2024 allocation and the distribution between Express Entry and non-Express Entry pathways will be communicated once available.

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Summary of 2023 Allocations

Table 1 provides a summary of the 2023 allocations by AAIP stream or pathway:

Stream/PathwayEstimated Allocation (Oct 23, 2023)
Non-Express Entry Streams5850
Alberta Opportunity Stream4970
Rural Renewal Stream875
All (4) Entrepreneur streams5
Express Entry Stream and Pathways3900
Total allocations9750

Application Volumes and Processing

Understanding application volumes and processing times is essential for applicants. Factors influencing processing times include application quality, volume, application receipt date, strategic priorities, and the remaining certificates for the year. Applicants can check their status through the AAIP portal’s designated sections.

Streams for Workers

The table outlines the application numbers, allocations, and processing times for worker streams:

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AAIP StreamApplications in QueueProcessing TimeAAIP Assessing Applications Before
Alberta Opportunity Stream~4,690~6 monthsAugust 30, 2023
Alberta Express Entry Stream~735VariousVaries based on pathway
Rural Renewal Stream~1,420~6 monthsSeptember 1, 2023

Streams for Entrepreneurs

Below are the details of the processing times for Entrepreneur streams:

AAIP StreamEOI ScoringBusiness Application DecisionFinal Report and Nomination
Graduate Entrepreneur Stream1 month3 months4 months
Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream1 month3 months4 months
Rural Entrepreneur Stream1 month3 months4 months
Farm Stream4 months

Applications by Occupation

Certain occupations witness higher application volumes, potentially affecting processing times. The following occupations are notable:

  1. Food service supervisors
  2. Cooks
  3. Retail sales supervisors
  4. Administrative assistants
  5. Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers, and related support occupations
  6. Transport truck drivers
  7. Administrative officers
  8. Accounting technicians and bookkeepers
  9. Early childhood educators and assistants
  10. Software engineers and designers
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Express Entry Draws

The AAIP regularly reviews candidates in the federal Express Entry pool, with a focus on in-demand occupations and sectors such as healthcare, construction, agriculture, hospitality, and tourism. The program aims to allocate nominations based on these priorities, supporting Alberta’s economic development.

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