On January 17, Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP) held a draw #12. PEI PNP invited 61 candidates in the Labour Impact and Express Entry streams. Another 30 invitations sent to Business Impact Category candidates, the lowest score was 120. In total, PEI issued 91 invitations. The next draw is scheduled for February...
Tag: ImmigCanada
EOI Draw #56 in Manitoba MPNP
On January 17, 2019, Manitoba held a new draw in Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) under the Expression of Interest System. In the Skilled Workers in Manitoba stream, the number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued was 200, and the lowest ranking score was 650. In the Skilled Workers Overseas stream, Manitoba issued 27...
Canada increased the settlement funds required for Express Entry in 2019
The IRCC has updated the table of settlement funds required to be eligible for Federal Skilled Worker and Federal Skilled Trades programs of the Express Entry system. The funds have been increased by just over 1.5% for each family level. In 2019, settlement funds required for a single person will be $12,669; for a family...
Artificial intelligence in Canadian immigration operations
IRCC has plans to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to screen and process immigrant files. The federal government will undergo a systemic expansion to implement AI on predictive analysis methods. They believe that understanding the trends of temporary residents will benefit the overall immigration process for the department. There will be more emphasis on international students...
Parents and grandparents sponsorship starts on January 28, 2019
Minister of Immigration Ahmed Hussen has officially announced the date of the reopening of the Parent and Grandparent Program (PGP). Applications will reopen from 12:00 pm EST on January 28, 2019. The launch of the PGP in 2019 will include a new and improved application process. The Government took steps to improve an electronic queue...
International tourism: Canada welcomes people from all over the world
With a record number of delegates, buyers and one-on-one meetings, Canada’s largest tourism event, Rendez-vous Canada (RVC), endorsed the industry in the country and made clear its commitment to increase international tourism. Bardish Chagger, Minister of Small Business and Tourism, said that Canada is open to business and tourism, and welcomes people from all over...
Canadian post-secondary institutions may need to look for new student sources
As Chinese international students have brought approximately $5 billion in economic benefits to Canada a year, Canadian post-secondary colleges and universities hope that the incoming of Chinese international students to Canada will not be affected by the current Canada-China relations. The figures show that Chinese international students make up approximately one-third of the total number...
Nova Scotia invited first candidates in January 2019
On January 7, 2019, Nova Scotia held Draw in its Entrepreneur Stream. 33 candidates have been invited and the lowest score was 112 points. One more candidate was invited via International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream and the score of the candidate was 54 points. Fast and Reliable Canada Immigration Services. Determine Your Options Today!
A research project studying employment equity in immigrant communities has been announced
The Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA) is conducting a community-based research project funded by the United Way, titled “Research on employment equity for South Asian in immigrant communities in Toronto”. This initiative is a three-year community-based research study on the employment needs, barriers, and recommendations for employment equity for South Asian immigrant communities...