The Century Initiative and the Environics Institute of Canada have released survey results on Canadians’ opinions about immigration. In conclusion, the survey shows that a majority of Canadians support expanding the country’s immigration program. However, when asked if the current level of immigration to Canada was too high, nearly 70% of Canadians voted with a negative response.
Considering that immigrants account for 23% of Canada’s overall population—8.3 million people—this is the highest level of support for immigration in the survey’s 45-year history. It predicts that by 2041, 34% of the population will fall into this category.
Study participants’ political leanings were shown to be correlated with their level of support for immigration and immigrants. Liberal Party, NDP, and Green Party voters in Canada have all shown growing support for higher immigration levels since 2021. On the other hand, 43% of Conservative supporters think current immigration levels are too high; despite this decrease of 1% from the 2021 research, it is still significant.
Despite the pandemic, Canadians still support immigration.
The pandemic has certainly made things more difficult for everyone, but it has not stopped Canadians from supporting immigration. The government has continued to work hard to keep an open perspective and provide essential services to newcomers. Canadians have also come together to support each other during this time of upheaval. Despite the challenges, it is clear that Canada remains a welcoming place for immigrants.
More than 50% of surveyed Canadians believe that the country needs more immigrants to accelerate its economy. The most remarkable changes over the 2021 data show that people in Manitoba and Saskatchewan have shifted their views with a 15-point increase and Alberta and Ontario with three points over the last few years.
There are several reasons for this continued support. First, Canadians understand that immigrants play an important role in the economy. They help fill labor shortages and contribute to the nation’s overall prosperity. Second, they know that immigrants bring new ideas and perspectives that make the country stronger.
The report is appropriate, as Canada is struggling with a historic labor shortage and a record one million job openings in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, Canada has increased its Immigration Targets. Canada hopes to have 465,000 to 485,000 to 500,000 new immigrants in 2023, 2024, and 2025 respectively, according to the current immigration plan.
Many Canadians support opening Canada’s doors to more refugees.
The majority of respondents were pleased with Canada’s pledge to be a safe sanctuary for refugees. However, results demonstrate that a rising majority of Canadians, including Quebecers, disagree that the country allows too many immigrants from racially segregated countries.
Some Canadians (37% agree or strongly agree) maintain the view that not all refugees are legitimate victims of persecution. However, the results of the survey disprove the claim that there are too many immigrants from racial minorities in Canada. Those who share this view tend to be either above 60 years old or illiterate. When compared to data from the 1990s, when public opinion on the topic was nearly evenly split, this indicates a significant shift in sentiment.
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