Parents and Grandparent

Notable Surge in Parents and Grandparent’s Immigration to Canada

Canada is experiencing a significant surge in the number of parents and grandparents immigrating to Canada under the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP). According to the latest data, there is a remarkable rise in arrivals that indicates at the growing interest among Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their family members.

In recent times, Canada has been promoting family reunification through various immigration pathways. The PGP falls under the family sponsorship category that has developed as a popular program for Canadian citizens and permanent residents to bring their parents and grandparents to Canada.

Rise in the Parents and Grandparent’s Immigration

The numbers clearly highlight the growing trend of parents and grandparents immigrating to Canada. In January, the PGP invited 2,065 new permanent residents, which is a significant rise of almost 60% as compared to last year, when 1,300 individuals arrived.

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The federal government of Canada has set targets for the Parents and Grandparents Program. In 2023, the program aims to bring in 28,500 permanent residents, reflecting a strong commitment to family reunification. The previous year, 27,255 individuals were granted permanent residency under the PGP, marking a remarkable increase of 132% compared to 2021’s figure of 11,740.

Immigration Targets for 2023-2025

The increased interest in family sponsorship aligns with Canada’s broader immigration goals. According to Canada’s Immigration Level Plans for 2023-2025, the country aims to welcome 465,000 permanent residents in 2023. This commitment to immigration reflects Canada’s diverse society and the contributions that newcomers make to the country’s economy and cultural fabric.

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The Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP)

The Parents and Grandparents Program provides an avenue for Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their parents and grandparents to immigrate to Canada. Successful applicants under this program receive Canadian permanent residence, with the possibility of applying for Canadian citizenship in the future.

Eligibility Criteria for Sponsors

To be eligible for the PGP, sponsors must meet certain criteria. These include:

  • Completion of an Interest to Sponsor form on IRCC’s website within the specified timeperiod.
  • Being a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or a registered Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.
  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Must be residing in Canada
  • Must be able to provide proof of income to IRCC of minimum necessary income level
  • Must sign an undertaking to be able to financially support the sponsor for 20 years
  • If the sponsor is living in Quebec and an additional undertaking must be signed with the province of Quebec.
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Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has not updated any details for this year’s PGP. Earlier, IRCC has used a lottery system to randomly shortlist interested sponsors who would receive an ITA through the PGP.

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