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Quebec Immigrant Investor Program

This program is the most popular in Canada, with only a limited number of spots available each year.

In order to qualify for the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program, you must meet the following requirements:

  • A net worth of at least $2 million must be documented
  • A minimum of 2 years of full-time business experience within the last 5 years is required
  • Investing in either of the following is acceptable to you:
  • An interest-free deposit of $1,200,000.00 CAD with the Government of Canada for a period of five years
  • There will be a one-time payment of $350,000.00 CAD, which cannot be refunded

Quebec Entrepreneur Program (QEP)

In the Quebec Entrepreneur Program (QEP), business immigrants are specifically targeted at Quebec’s needs. In addition to attracting qualified candidates with a proven track record in business, it also seeks to attract investors willing to invest in the Quebec economy. Additionally, the QEP is an excellent way for business people who are not eligible for Canadian Permanent Residence under other skilled worker categories to qualify. Quebec Entrepreneur applicants must demonstrate their intention to reside in the province.

An Entrepreneur Interested in Immigrating to Quebec Can Apply for One of Two Components of the Program:

Component One:

Business incubators, accelerators, or universities in the province support the establishment of new businesses or startups.

Component Two:

The focus of this program is on businesses that are owned and operated by their owners.

Requirements for Quebec Entrepreneur Program: Component One

In order to qualify for the Quebec Entrepreneur Program, foreign national applicants must obtain a passing score of 41 points under all factors in the Quebec Economic Class selection grid.

The Quebec Entrepreneur Program Component One can award points based on factors like education level, training areas, age, language proficiency in French and English, and residence and family in Quebec. Applicants with a spouse or common-law partner do not receive any additional points.

To Qualify for the Program, You Must Meet the Following Minimum Requirements:

  • Diploma from a secondary school
  • Proof of financial self-sufficiency must be submitted
  • Demonstrate successful evaluation of the business project from an enterprise incubator/accelerator or university entrepreneurship center

Requirements for Quebec Entrepreneur Program: Component Two

In order to be considered for selection, foreign nationals applying under Component Two of the Quebec Entrepreneur Program must score 81 points across all 13 factors.

The Quebec Entrepreneur Program awards points based on factors such as education level, training areas, age, language proficiency in French and English, and stay and family in Quebec.

To Meet Component Two’s Cut-off Threshold, You Must Meet the Following:

  • At least a secondary school diploma
  • Submit a contract to prove financial self-sufficiency.
  • Successfully evaluate the business project.
  • In the metro region of Montreal, a start-up deposit of $300,000 is required; outside the metro region, a deposit of $200,000 is required.
  • At least 25% of the equity of the business he or she creates or at least 51% of the equity of the enterprise he or she acquires is held or controlled by the individual. An applicant must make a financial contribution equal to or greater than the amount needed to launch the business.
  • At least $900,000 in financial resources

A spouse or common-law partner may operate the business with the applicant, but no additional points are awarded. MIDI requires candidates applying under Component Two to pay a performance guarantee deposit of $200,000.

The number of positions available in the Quebec Entrepreneur Program is extremely limited and the demand for Canadian Permanent Residency is always high. It is therefore critical to submit the best application.

ImmigCanada can advise you on your business immigration options. To ensure your application is prepared effectively, we guide you throughout the process.