
How to Attain a Work Permit as a Tech Worker?


The tech sector in Canada is on the rise and is extremely important to strengthen the Canadian economy, which makes global tech talent high in demand in Canada. In recent times, Canada’s IT sector has been growing exponentially. During the pandemic, the sector is still going strong and companies are enthusiastically looking for new employees.

As Canada is offering numerous tech talent plans to welcome newcomers every year. There are numerous work permit options for individuals in the IT sector, and the federal government pushes the processing of these work permits. The key work permit possibilities for the IT profession include the Global Talent Stream, CUSMA professionals, and Intra-Company Transferees.

The most preferred pathway includes a lot of permanent and temporary methods to assist the tech industry get a work permit in Canada as it requires more ICT workers. There are pathways for skilled workers and there are also programs for tech workers which help talent to immigrate to Canada. To meet the high demand for skilled tech workers, the Canadian government has made it easy for organizations to hire immigrants from other countries by offering them various options for work permits.

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Global Talent Stream

The Global Talent Stream aims to assist Canadian employers in hiring international tech talent. The Global Talent Stream permits certain skilled workers to attain a work permit within two weeks of applying. Also, under the Global Talent Stream, employers who wish to hire Tech professionals may stand eligible for an accelerated Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), whose sole purpose is to make sure that the arrival of an international worker will not hurt workers in Canada. Examples of eligible tech occupations include software engineers and designers, computer programmers, media developers, information system analysts and consultants, and computer and information system managers.

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CUSMA Professionals

Under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), the eligible U.S and Mexican nationals can attain Canadian work permits. Work permits allotted under CUSMA do not require an LMIA before applying, meaning Canadian employers can have the international tech talent to work much faster.

Under CUSMA, there are approximately 60 professions or occupations that stand eligible for a work permit called the CUSMA professional work permit. Many of the listed IT professions include computer system analysts, graphic designers, technical publications writers, and computer engineers.

Intra-Company Transferees

Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) is another work permit alternative that does not require an LMIA. To qualify for the ICT work permit, the international worker must be employed with an organization abroad for a minimum of one year and there must be a qualifying relationship between the two companies that is Subsidiary, affiliate, parent, or branch. For the Intra-Company Transferees (ICT) work permit, there are three different categories under which a professional stands eligible. The third category is for workers who have specialized knowledge of the organization and its products and this is how usually tech workers qualify for the ICT work permit.

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