Fully-Vaccinated Travellers Resumed on Canadian Travellers

Random COVID-19 Testing on Fully-Vaccinated Travellers Resumed on Canadian Travellers

Discontinued COVID-19 testing on full-vaccinated air travellers has been re-instated at four major Canadian airports. Post notified on email, the mandatory testing on fully-vaccinated air travelers will be performed either outside of the airports or nearby self-swab centers or via appointment at a COVID-19 testing centre.

Random COVID-19 tests may once again be in the swing for people who are planning to fly to Canada. Yes, you heard it right!  If you’re flying to Canada this season, you must know that random COVID-19 testing for fully-vaccinated international travellers in Canada has resumed at four major Canadian airports, namely, Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal, and Toronto. Therefore, air travellers must get tested before making an entry into Canada.

Canada had paused the random testing at airports on June 11, but the federal government started up again on July 19. It’s not clear how many air travellers will be chosen to be tested or if the decision will be based on safe destination parameters. Under the new rules, travellers will be subject to mandatory screening if they are from countries on a designated list.

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More about the Airport Testing

Even the fully –vaccinated Canadian travellers who test positive in a random test will have to stay in quarantine for 10 days. Even travellers who have had all of their shots can be tested at random. Anyone who didn’t have all their vaccines would be put in a 14-day quarantine anyway. When someone who is sick gets into the country, they could spread their illness to people who haven’t been vaccinated. It is easy to catch diseases when you’re travelling, even if you’ve had all your shots.

There won’t be any airport COVID-19 testing in an instant. You’ll find out if you’ve been chosen at the airport. Those who are chosen for a random test will get an email within 15 minutes of filling out their customs declaration. The email will tell them how to set up a test. Air travellers who are not fully vaccinated can still meet their quarantine requirements by getting their tests done through a virtual appointment or in person at certain pharmacies.

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Exceptions and ArriveCAN

With few exceptions, all travellers must still use ArriveCAN to achieve mandatory travel information at least 72 hours before they arrive in Canada. However, in a news release, the Canadian government says that moving testing outside the airports will help the country to keep a track of new strains and other changes in the epidemiological situation and respond to them. Besides this change, the web portal ArriveCAN requires that visitors complete electronic travel authorization (eTA) and provide detailed personal information before they enter Canada.

What the transport minister said!

“As demand for travel increases across the world, this announcement marks an important step in our progress to streamline testing processes outside the airports while preventing the further spread of COVID-19,” Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said in the July 14 release, “The Government of Canada will continue to protect travellers and employees and ensure our transportation system is safe, reliable, and resilient for the long term.”

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The process for airport COVID-19 testing in Canada is not as complex as it seems. Moreover, it is essential for air travellers to understand that the random testing is not intended to bother them but to ensure the safety of both travellers and residents of Canada. The outbreak of COVID-19 in all the previous waves had scared us all, and hence cooperating with the airport officials and staff is the best way you can contribute to a safer future. Overall the above said actions might be helpful to a large number of individuals who are leaving their country for further studies or for jobs in Canada.

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