Five Canadian Cities Ranked

Five Canadian Cities Ranked Among the Best 100 to Live In

A British Columbia-based marketing consultancy specializing in branding and marketing for the world’s cities, districts, developments, and destinations ranked Toronto 24th out of 100 best cities for living in the world.

Global cities with populations over one million are ranked according to a variety of factors, including safety, outdoor space, workforce participation, GDP, nightlife, universities, attractions, and weather.

As the largest Canadian city, Toronto received high marks for its economic growth, fueled by immigration and global investment.

The report cites that with half of the city’s population being foreign-born, the community is extremely diverse. It also gave high marks for education as Toronto is considered one of the world’s most educated cities. Still, Toronto has slipped from 18th in the 2022 report.

The official top spot went to London for the seventh year running, with Kyiv given a place as honorary number one due to the hardships it has endured due to the Russian invasion over the past year. The Russian capital city, Moscow, which was ranked fourth in 2022, has now been removed, as has St. Petersburg.

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In addition to London, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Dubai, Barcelona, Rome, Madrid, Singapore, and Amsterdam make up the top ten cities.

In addition to Montreal, Calgary, Vancouver, and Ottawa, all four Canadian cities are ranked 57, 65, 69, and 96. In the survey, it is noted that all four cities have a large immigrant population. Montreal ranked high for culture, Calgary ranked high for GDP and a younger population, Vancouver made the list because of its natural setting, and Ottawa ranked high for low costs of living.

Canada Released its Highest Ever Immigration Targets

By 2025, Canada plans to welcome 500,000 new permanent residents per year, according to its Immigration Levels Plan 2023-2025. As a result of its reputation for stability, safety, and tolerance, Canada often sees immigrants as an attractive destination, breaking records set in 2021 at 405,000 and nearly 432,000 in 2022. Its ranking is due in part to the high number of immigrants who settled and contributed to the economy, diversity, and culture.

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In particular, the plan aims to increase the number of new permanent residents from 60 to 70 percent through economic immigration pathways, such as Express Entry.

Due to an aging population, Canada needs to fill the labour gap left as more and more people reach retirement age. The national birth rate is too low to meet the shortage. Therefore, immigration is the only way to keep the economy growing.

What is Express Entry?

The Express Entry application management system is the most popular immigration pathway to permanent residence. Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), and Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) are Express Entry programs through which eligible candidates are scored using the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS).

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The first step is to determine eligibility for one of these programs, and then to create an IRCC profile to find out your CRS score.

A candidate’s CRS score is determined by a combination of factors, including work experience, language skills, education, and other human capital factors. The higher the score, the greater the chance of receiving an invitation to apply (ITA) from IRCC.

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