Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program

Essential Updates for Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program Applicants

Starting February 26, 2024, a vital change has been implemented for applicants under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). Now, upon receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) or a Notification of Interest, applicants must ensure they include a properly filled Applicant Consent Form alongside their application. This form, crucial for processing, demands accurate completion and signatures from the principal applicant and their spouse and dependents, if applicable.

Mandatory Inclusion of Applicant Consent Form

Effective February 26, 2024, all new OINP nomination applications must integrate the Applicant Consent Form. This form necessitates:

  • Accurate completion
  • Proper dating
  • Signatures from the applicant and their spouse and dependents, where relevant
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Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in the application being returned as incomplete, with a refund of the application fee. It’s important to note that representatives are not authorized to sign the form on behalf of applicants.

Elimination of PDF Attestation Form Requirement

Under the OINP expression of interest system stream, the previous requirement for the PDF Attestation Form has been abolished. This simplification streamlines the application process, eliminating unnecessary paperwork.

Change in Accepted English Language Proficiency Tests

Aligned with recent federal policy adjustments, the OINP now accepts the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Core from Pearson Canada, Inc. as proof of English proficiency for applicable streams. Effective January 30, 2024, this addition provides applicants with an alternative option to demonstrate their language abilities.

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Implications of English Language Proficiency Test Changes

For individuals who have registered an Expression of Interest (EOI) and have not yet received an Invitation to Apply (ITA), considering the acceptance of PTE Core is advisable. However, it’s important to note that this change does not affect those who received an ITA or Notification of Interest before January 30, 2024.

Equivalency Chart for PTE Core Scores

For clarity, a chart displaying the equivalency between Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) and PTE scores has been provided:

CLB levelListeningReadingSpeakingWriting
10  89-90 88-90  89-90 90
9  82-88 78-87  84-88 88-89

In conclusion, these updates are crucial for OINP applicants to note, ensuring compliance with new requirements and utilizing available options for demonstrating English proficiency. Stay updated and thorough in your application process to maximize your chances of success.

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