20 Countries, 4,000 Students and One Choice—No Better Foreign Study Destination than Canada

20 Countries, 4,000 Students and One Choice—No Better Foreign Study Destination than Canada

There have been multiple surveys pointing towards the same conclusion and now another survey covering 4000 students across 20 countries has identified Canada as the preferred study destination for international students.

Canada’s popularity remains undiminished despite the fact that classroom teaching is unlikely to begin very quickly and that virtual learning is going to be the way ahead for a significant part of 2022.

Curious what makes Canada so popular among international students and wondering whether you too should seriously consider Canada for your graduation or post-graduation degree?

Transparent and Merit-Centric Immigration Programs

It is a well-known fact that job and immigration opportunities after graduation is a key factor that all international students consider when comparing study destinations.

For a student in India or Vietnam or South Korea, a foreign degree does not make a lot of sense if he/she has no option but to return home to search for a job. Paying big money for a foreign degree is an investment only if it leads to a well-paid and challenging job opportunity in the same country.

And Canada is definitely the best destination in the world today for skilled workers. What sets Canada part is its transparent and merit-centric immigration system. Want an ITA in the Express Entry draw? Just focus on boosting your CRS score by improving your language skills or getting another degree or finding a job in Canada.

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Want provincial nomination? Choose the right province to study, build up professional contacts through internships and work opportunities during your student years, get a job offer after graduation, and qualify under the PNP stream for international students.

Want a LMIA-exempt work permit? Learn French and score high on your French tests and qualify for the Francophone work permit.

There is no lottery or anything where your selection for a work permit or permanent residence is dependent on luck. If you work hard enough, then you can make it big in Canada, and that’s something that all international students want over everything else.

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Something Other than Jobs? Canada’s Still the Right Choice

The federal Startup Visa program is open to anybody with a disruptive startup idea that’s good enough to win funding from Designated Agencies in the country. This means it’s not compulsory for a foreign student graduating from Canada to search for jobs to stay in the country after graduation.

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At provincial level, there are many PNP streams for international graduate entrepreneurs. Plus, Ontario has just announced a program offering PR to entrepreneurs ready to invest CAN $200,000 outside the Greater Toronto Area.

So, irrespective of whether you have capital to start your own business or not, you can aspire for PR in Canada after graduation even if you want to be an entrepreneur.

No Political Rhetoric about Immigration

Just like across the world, there are sharp differences among political parties in Canada about the right way to run the country. But, one area where there’s clear consensus among administrators and law makers is the need for skilled immigration in the country.

If you are an economic migrant or will become a skilled worker in the future, then you are definitely welcome in Canada. There’s no harsh political rhetoric around immigration and policies don’t change just because a new party has come to power.

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Obviously, this is a big deal for somebody who is going to spend tens of thousands of dollars over a three-four year span hoping for a successful and prosperous life in the future.

Quality Education

Post-study opportunities and stable immigration programs are relevant only if the international student is assured of quality education, and Canada ticks this box as well.

Canada has its share of top-ranked universities and colleges that has been attracting international students over the past many decades. It’s only after immigration opportunities dried up in the US that students discovered the fantastic benefits of choosing to study in Canada.

From well-developed infrastructure to expert faculties to lot of research facilities, Canadian universities offer a great platform for the student’s future even if he or she does not intend to settle or even work in Canada after graduation.

Studying abroad is a big decision that has the potential of changing your life. Don’t make the mistake of treating this like a DIY exercise. Instead, work with professional immigration experts to make the most out of the opportunity to study in  Canada.

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