Sudbury RNIP Update- ImmigCanada

Sudbury RNIP Update: Recent Application Consideration and Process

The Sudbury Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) Program recently completed its evaluation of 46 applications, marking a significant milestone in its immigration initiatives. This article provides an overview of the application consideration process and outlines the steps involved in applying for the program.

Application Deadline and Consideration

The deadline for submitting applications to the Sudbury RNIP program was February 1, 2024. Any applications received after this date will not be considered for evaluation. On January 12, 2024, Sudbury initiated the first rounds of invitations, reviewing 46 candidates, comprising 42 from the Conventional Stream and four from the Francophone Stream.

The minimum score requirements for these draws were 285 and 170, respectively. Sudbury invited a total of 587 applicants last year and has recommended approximately 670 individuals since the program’s inception.

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Application Process and Steps

Step 1: Federal Eligibility Requirements

Candidates must meet the eligibility requirements outlined by Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Step 2: Community Requirements

Applicants are assessed based on their ties to the Sudbury community and their willingness to reside and work within its boundaries after obtaining permanent residency. The Community Selection Committee evaluates candidates’ ties to the community and their potential contributions to the local economy and community relationships.

Step 3: Full-time Employment in Sudbury

Candidates must secure full-time permanent employment within the Sudbury RNIP program boundaries. They can search for suitable job opportunities through local job search portals such as the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce, YMCA of Northeastern Ontario, and federal government portals like

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Step 4: Application Submission

Candidates submit their applications through the RNIP Survey Monkey Apply Portal or via registered mail if preferred.

Step 5: Application Review by RNIP Coordinator

Selected applications undergo review by the RNIP Coordinator, who may request interviews with candidates.

Step 6: Application Review by Community Selection Committee

The Community Selection Committee reviews selected applications to determine candidates’ suitability for the program.

Step 7: Meeting Requirements

Candidates who meet the RNIP requirements receive recommendation letters from the Community Selection Committee, enabling them to apply for permanent residency. Those who do not meet the requirements are informed accordingly.

Step 8: Permanent Residency Application

Candidates apply for permanent residency with the recommendation letter issued by the Community Selection Committee.

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Step 9: IRCC Review

IRCC exclusively reviews the documents which include medical, financial, and criminal record checks.

Step 10: Relocation to Sudbury

Upon receiving permanent residency and RNIP-specific work permits, candidates can arrange to move to Sudbury within the program’s boundaries.

Additional Information and Community Requirements

In addition to federal eligibility criteria, candidates are assessed based on their intention to reside and work within Sudbury’s boundaries post-immigration. The program prioritizes candidates based on a point-based system, considering their potential contributions to the local economy and community relationships.

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