Canada ‘Trumps’ the US as Preferred Destination for Indian Professionals and Students

Canada ‘Trumps’ the US as Preferred Destination for Indian Professionals and Students

Canada is fast becoming the preferred foreign destination for Indian professionals seeking immigration as well as Indian students seeking to secure a better future through a foreign degree. Canada Immigration for Indian Citizens is easier than the other alternatives.

Numbers Paint a Clear Picture

The number of Indian citizens qualifying for Canadian permanent residence has been steadily growing since 2015. Between 2015 and 2019, this number has risen by a staggering 118 percent.

Apart from a small dip between 2015 and 2016, India’s share in the total number of permanent residents admitted by Canada too has been growing steadily. From 13.4 percent of total PR approvals in 2016, Indian accounted for a quarter of all successful PR applications in 2019.


A Preferred Study Destination as Well

That more Indians are preferring Canada over the US is evident from the surge in the number of Indian students in Canada. Between 2017 and 2019, this figure has jumped by 68 percent with the proportion of Indians to total foreigners studying in Canada. It’s rising steadily over the past three years.


Significantly, number of Indians seeking graduate-level admissions in computer science and engineering in the US fell by 21 percent between 2016 and 2017.

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Canada—Easier to Study, Work and Immigrate

Trump administration’s tough stance on H-1B work permits and green cards has compelled many Indian professionals to explore alternative destinations. The denial rate for both, existing as well as new, H-1B worker applications has jumped by 400 percent under President Trump. Green card applicants are staring at waiting periods running into decades, and even more than a century for some categories. On the other hand, Canada’s Global Skills Strategy offers work permit approvals within just two weeks. Express Entry is a stable and predictable application system for skilled workers and professionals.

Further, points-based immigration programs awarding the highest points to young applicants with post-secondary qualifications and foreign study/work experience work to the advantage of Indian applicants over those from other countries.

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Finally, Canada’s decentralized approach permits provinces to determine eligibility requirements for their own provincial nomination programs. This allows students, professionals, and even entrepreneurs a better shot at Canadian immigration through proficiency in French, Canadian study experience in Canada, or an innovative startup idea.

Permanent residence data shows that 80 percent of all those who qualify for Canadian PR go on to obtain citizenship, which means the Canada-India partnership is likely to grow a lot deeper and stronger in the years ahead. All in all, Canada Immigration for Indian Citizens is increasing at a great rate.

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