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Tag: Immigrants

Fewer Overqualified Immigrants in the Canadian Workforce

A Positive Shift: Fewer Overqualified Immigrants in the Canadian Workforce

Canada’s labor market is witnessing a significant transformation. According to a recent study by Statistics Canada, the number of overqualified immigrants in the workforce has reached its lowest point in 20 years. This development marks a positive shift in the country’s employment landscape. Let’s delve into the details of this encouraging trend and understand its...

Canada immigration

Canada Immigration Strategy Alertโ€”More Immigrants Settling in Smaller Canadian Cities

  The virus, mutations and all, has run its course and the pandemic is unlikely to cast its shadow on 2022 as well. In such a scenario, it may be time to take a closer look at your Canada immigration strategy. Where should you immigrate in Canada? More than half of all immigrants entering Canada...

About Us Why Canada Immigrationโ€”2nd Gen Immigrant Outqualify and Out-Earn Their Parents and Even Native Canadians

Why Canada Immigrationโ€”2nd Gen Immigrant Outqualify and Out-Earn Their Parents and Even Native Canadians

Whyย immigrate to Canada? Reasons may vary. Some may be seeking higher wages. Others may want faster professional growth. Further, some others may look forward to a better standard of living in a developed country life Canada. However, one reason thatโ€™s likely to be common among all is a better life for their next generation. Pays...