First Express Entry Draw of June

The First Express Entry Draw of June Invites 1,499 PR Candidates

The first Express Entry Draw of June has made headlines by issuing a remarkable 1,499 Invitations to Apply (ITAs) for permanent residency in Canada. This draw, held on June 19, 2024, targeted candidates with provincial nominations, significantly impacting the landscape of Canadian immigration.

Key Highlights of the June Express Entry Draw

Express Entry Draw Details – June 19, 2024

The latest draw’s specifics offer crucial insights for prospective immigrants:

  • Category/Program: Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
  • Number of Invitations Issued: 1,499
  • CRS Score of Lowest-Ranked Candidate Invited: 663
  • Rank Required to Be Invited to Apply: 1,499 or above
  • Date and Time of Round: June 19, 2024, at 14:37:26 UTC
  • Tie-Breaking Rule: January 19, 2024, at 10:10:40 UTC

The tie-breaking rule indicates that if multiple candidates have a CRS score of 663, those who submitted their profiles earlier will be prioritized.

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The Express Entry System

The Express Entry system is a dynamic application management system used by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to manage and process applications for skilled workers who wish to immigrate to Canada. The system ranks candidates based on the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), which considers factors such as age, education, work experience, and language proficiency.

This draw is significant not only because of the high number of ITAs issued but also due to the reduction in the CRS cutoff score, which dropped by 13 points to 663 compared to previous PNP-only draws. This reduction makes it easier for more candidates to receive invitations, reflecting Canada’s ongoing efforts to attract skilled workers to meet its economic needs.

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What This Means for Applicants

Candidates who received an ITA in this draw have 60 days to submit their complete applications, including all necessary documents to support the information provided in their Express Entry profiles. Successful applicants will then receive permanent residency status, allowing them to live and work in Canada.

Preparing for Future Draws

For those aspiring to receive an ITA in future Express Entry draws, understanding the factors that influence the CRS score is essential. Here are some tips to improve your CRS score:

  • Enhance Language Skills: Improving your proficiency in English and/or French can significantly boost your CRS score.
  • Educational Credentials: Obtaining additional educational qualifications or getting your existing credentials assessed can help.
  • Work Experience: Gaining more work experience in your field, especially in Canada, can also increase your score.
  • Provincial Nomination: Securing a provincial nomination adds 600 points to your CRS score, almost guaranteeing an ITA.
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The first Express Entry Draw of June has set a positive tone for prospective immigrants, with 1,499 ITAs issued and a lowered CRS cutoff score. As Canada continues to seek skilled workers through the Express Entry system, staying informed and prepared is crucial for success. For more detailed advice and guidance on navigating the Express Entry process, consider consulting with immigration experts.

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